Sunday, 27 January 2008

Initial thoughts

Well this is all a bit new though I've been stalking the blogs of a few people I know for a couple of weeks now to get a feel for how it all works. But what to write about as I don't know you all that well, who ever you are, who may be reading this blog and those I do know have already caused me more than a few surprises. Not all of them pleasant.
I think I'll start with something safe like how crappy TV seems to be at the moment. Is it just me or the winter blues but I can only think of about two TV shows that I think are worth making time for at the moment. I thought life was fairly boring in my home town of Durham and that by coming down to the big smoke things would be different. Which initially I suppose they were but now the novelty has worn off and I seem back to square one with fewer friends. And on a church youth workers wage I can't afford to go out on the lash to find some fun that often. Oh well at least my appentice vicar flat mate seems fiendly enough (spelling mistake intended).

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